Introducing Hope Hub.

Hope Hub is a transformational living experience dedicated to equipping, empowering, and connecting women to experience freedom from drug addiction. Our long-term program guides women through every step of the journey, and offers valuable life skills, from mentoring and financial guidance to job training.

Our values

Recovery is learning to create a life we love. Which is why we invest to giving women the resources they need to continue making healthy decisions for years to come.


Our Vision

Our vision is to see women encounter freedom from the burdens of addiction. We want them to walk from our home fully equipped, encouraged, and empowered to continue to experience a life full of joy and purpose.

Our “why”

When we founded Coffee Hub Xenia in 2017, we didn’t know what God had in store for us. But the longer we served the people of Xenia, the more that we saw an opportunity for change. We started offering jobs to people in recovery, and once we saw the impact of that on people’s lives, we knew that we had to do more.

Dayton, Ohio is a hotspot for the opioid epidemic. We have seen the hurt that addiction brings to individuals and their families and friends. While we cannot reverse the pain that this problem has caused, we want to be part of the solution. We want to see relationships, families, and lives restored.

Meet the Team

  • Cynthia Stemple


  • Melissa Adams